Create a simple secure members database, foster engagement and improve retention
Member Registrations
AcadWare facilitates center and batch wise registrations of members. Registration is available on web and mobile for admins and coaching staff (optionally), to facilitate decentralized onboarding of members.
While the platform has an inbuilt duplicate check on email and mobile number, it does provide ability to register siblings hence providing single login to parents.
The platform provides a simple de-registration option with a mandatory reason for de-registration. The reasons can be used for further analysis of overall attrition of members in the organization.
AcadWare has the much requested feature of re-registering previously de-registered members who wish to rejoin after a period of time. This helps connecting with past members and reaching out with announcements related to new centers or coaching programs.

Member Self Service
In today’s connected world it is vital that members are able to access information at their fingertips.
AcadWare provides a free login to members to take advantage of the member self service features like –

- Online Payments and History
- Attendance Monitoring
- Providing Coach feedback
- Contact Information
- Notifications Alerts
- Receiving News and Achievements
- Follow Training calendar
- View instructions on coaching / workout plans
Payment Convenience
If timely payment of fees is an issue you are struggling with, then AcadWare has multiple ways of helping to improve compliance and improving cash flow of the organization.
- Auto-generated invoices on payment due dates
- Automated before and after payment due date reminders to members
- Prominent overdue payment alerts against members on the player listing and attendance listing page to help coaches identify defaulters
- Optional provision to charge late fees to encourage members to pay on time
- Filter on overdue members and manually send email and mobile notification reminders
- Indepth overdue payment reports along with ageing
- Inbuilt workflow to track deposit and clearance of cheques